Permaculture Design Course April 2014

Site remediation around the new ox barn includes used burlap bags filled with wood chips and innoculated with mushroom spawn. Starting to catch and sink water.

Valerie Piedmont (director) shares the evolution of their land and the goals that led them towards creating a handicap accessible forest garden trail - Emerson Brook Sustainability Project - Gilsum, NH

Mailbox at Emerson Brook Sustainability Project - Gilsum, NH

Hanging out in the new bunk house at Emerson Brook Sustainability Project - Gilsum, NH

Visiting Witness Oak Polycultures in Bellows Falls , VT

Devin Smith's self-built house at Witness Oak Polycultures

Visiting with the dog at Witness Oak Polycultures

Apple scion

Village Roots greenhouse visit
Valerie Piedmont, Director at Emerson Brook Sustainability Project, Gilsum, NH

Emerson Brook Sustainability Project, Gilsum, NH

PDC students explore the forest garden site - Emerson Brook Sustainability Project - Gilsum, NH
Devin Smith's self-built house at Witness Oak Polycultures in Bellows Falls, VT

Devin Smith (standing in front of his family house that he built) describes the importance of mimicking forest succession when creating woody perennial polycultures at Witness Oak Polycultures in Bellows Falls, VT

Devin Smith's self-built house at Witness Oak Polycultures

Devin teaching the class how to graft. Here he is holding an apple scion (of a prefered variety) that he is going to graft onto a wild apple tree (with hardy rootstock). Propagation is an important part of the extensive Witness Oak forest garden