Permaculture ConsulTation
We help you to design, create and build:
- ecologically diverse food systems that grow soil and habitat, while creating nutritional abundance
- structures made from local and natural materials, including local lumber, straw, clay and lime
We specialize in:
- Homestead and small farm design
- School food production
- Integrating design elements: gardens, orchards, buildings, water systems, etc.
- Animals as design elements for food and soil production
- Agricultural buildings
- Ecological remodels / natural insulation / natural plaster
- Permaculture within a global/social context
- 1 hour phone or video conference
- 5 - 2 hour site visit
- 3 hour site visit including an introduction to permaculture concepts and mapping strategies
- Follow up written site considerations and suggestions
- Project mapping
- Subsequent visits. Could include hands on support or instruction, such as tree planting, pruning, creating forest gardens, hugel bed construction, integrating animals, natural building techniques
Homework before initial visit:
- Complete the Permaculture Design Process Interview (Adapted from Conway School of Landscape Design, by Dave Jacke)
- Create a goal statement for your land/project. Try to make this statement active, using words like “I will” and “we will”. Your goal should be able to evolve over time, but can act as a compass throughout this work. Think about the desired process. Maybe you like pigs, or blueberries. Maybe you like to write or cook or make baskets. Also consider the desired outcome. Maybe you wish to work from home or you wish to grow 2/3 of your own food. Perhaps your measurable yield is topsoil or biodiversity.
- Gather any maps you have from your site. Mark them up with notes and ideas.
Initial site visit
On the first visit we will get an overview of the site. Chances are, there is an area that will be focused on in greater depth (likely zones 0-2) and then there is the surrounding landscape (likely zones 3-5), also with its own potential for focused design elements.
We will discuss the goals for the property/project. We will then look at the land through a design lens and will explore the concept and practice of using permaculture zones of use to better enhance function and comfort.
Through our time on the land specific problems and possibilities will arise. There is a saying in permaculture: The problem is often the solution. Where can we combine some elements for increased function? Where can we create multiple functions for each element? How can the system we are creating develop feedback loops that enhance or regenerate itself?
If desired, we can explore permaculture concepts and principles in more depth. Mapping your property by creating multiple layers on tracing paper is also an excellent tool for analyzing and assessing your site. We can go over this process and provide examples.
We charge $50/hour for site visits, instruction, phone meetings, and write-ups. If sites are outside of our 20 mile radius, we charge for one way travel.