July 23, 2013
We have finished teaching in the 2013 summer camp season at The Orchard School, and I've never seen so many squash bugs,
earwigs, potato beetles and Japanese beetles in my life. I taught "Our Earth, Our Voice, Our Choice" a leadership camp for 13 to 16 year olds that provides an exciting forum for teens to
connect, explore, and create around the three basic principles of food,
shelter, and clothing. Who do you want to become? How do you walk your
talk? How can your choices change the world? This camp gives campers achance
to find their voice, speak up, and share with peers who want to make a
Then Ellen taught "Forest Explorers" camp for 8 to 11 year old campers. They searched for
tracks, dissected rotting logs, built shelters, dipped nets in streams,
identified wild plants and played forest games. With their eyes wide and
ears alert, they explored the wilds around Orchard Hill.
Next up I taught "Art of the Wild" for ages 12 to 14. We explored the
magic and lore of living in the woods and wilds of Orchard Hill. We
share in the ancient practices of fire-making, shelter building,
thanksgiving and sneaking. Campers enjoyed getting dirty and had a lot
of fun.
The last camp Ellen taught was "Farm Camp" with campers ages 6 to 10.
This is a very popular camp. Campers dug for worms and studied
vermiculture. They explored the basics of animal care, vegetable
growing and herbal medicine, had scavenger hunts in the garden and
cooked over the campfire. There was also lots of time for hiking, games
and fun at the pond. Eating farm fresh food is always the yummiest part of this camp. It was a great summer of teaching such enthusiastic campers.

Around the farm in July, ducks got in
and wiped out 3/4 of our rice plants. At least the plants love all the rain. We turned in some gardens this week that never got planted because they
were too wet. We still haven't gotten a first cut hay for the same reason. It's been a tough year for crops so far. The fruit trees and kiwis are doing well. The animals are growing and eating lots of grass. Six lambs coming
Now that it is post camp we will do a mid-summer reassess. We will focus on what's doing well,
and feed the pigs the rest, maintain...find the ocean in August.